
澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s 西班牙语 minor is comprised of mastery of the language, 文化知识, and understanding the literature. Course offerings provide a variety of perspectives, 包括文化研究, 文学历史, 流派研究, research methods and documentation, 电影研究, 以及其他创新话题.

  • 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 is in the heart of the city of 圣安东尼奥—a large city rich with an extensive Latinx population and cultural opportunities making it possible to practice 西班牙语.
  • 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 boasts one of the largest 西班牙语 Across the 课程 programs in the nation.
  • Combine 西班牙语 language with professional opportunities through internships at local firms and institutions.
  • 墨西哥, 美洲, and Spain (MAS) program integrates classroom, 住宅, 社区, 专业发展.
Student gazing at a huge 西班牙语 mural at an exhibit



An in-depth look at 西班牙语 language, culture, and literature


Extensive faculty provide deep knowledge and variety of perspectives

The large 西班牙语 faculty ensures a curriculum rich in Peninsular, 西班牙语 American, and U.S. Latino literature and culture from a wide range of perspectives.


Opportunities for a global impact


Many study abroad experiences are available to students learning 西班牙语 and looking to explore new cultures. 


For students looking to combine their 西班牙语 language skills with their professional goals, internships are available both in 西班牙语-speaking...


澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s association for Latino/a students runs a variety of cultural events on campus where students can connect, recreate and explore with LatinX...



The global marketplace is expanding to include more 西班牙语-centered business environments. With the 西班牙语 minor, students are well-prepared to evolve with the shifting marketplace.


Combining a 西班牙语 minor with another program gives students an edge in a competitive global world where flexible, independent thought and intimate knowledge of another culture are desirable commodities.

研究生院s or Programs:

  • 教育学硕士
  • 追求Ph值.D.s in literature, cultural studies, ethnic studies, and women and gender studies, among others


  • 激进主义
  • 社区组织
  • 无国界医生组织
  • 健康教育工作者
  • 新闻
  • 图书馆管理
  • Marketing and Public Relations
  • Public and Business Administration
  • 公共政策
  • 老师/教授



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