• Deli Yang (BS. MBA. MS. Ph.D.是一位知识产权(IP)商业学者、顾问和全球教育家. 她目前担任Neidorff Family/Centene Corporation的特聘教授和研究副院长 & Strategic Initiatives at the Michael Neidorff School of Business, Trinity University. 她专门研究针对全球专利不确定性的国际化战略和绩效, brand counterfeiting and cultural conflicts. 她还关注成功和失败的文化合理化. 他相信知识、教育和实践的无缝结合.

    Yang holds a Ph.D. 在曼彻斯特商学院的知识产权管理的管理科学, University of Manchester, United Kingdom. 她还拥有同一所大学的经济学和国际商务硕士学位以及塞浦路斯国际管理学院的工商管理硕士学位, 获得对外经济贸易大学理学学士学位, China.

    她是一位多产的作家,相信知识创造的力量. 她获得了美国国家科学基金会的主要资助, USA, Economic and Social Research Council, and British Academy, UK, and the World IP Organization, UN. 她经常在同行评议的国际商业和知识产权领先期刊上发表文章. 她还是三本书的唯一作者和两本合编的书. Some of her journal papers became the best read, were included into edited volumes, and nominated for best paper awards. She has given scholarly and professional talks across 30 countries, 曾担任三家期刊的编辑(或创始编辑)委员会成员,并担任期刊客座编辑, article editor, columnist and reviewer for leading journals in her fields.

    杨是一位全球教育家,从事高等教育的知识转化. She has visited leading business schools worldwide, taught in over 20 countries, 培养了80多个国家各级高等教育的学生, including undergraduate (BS, BA, BBA), postgraduate (MS., MBA, MA, and EMBA), doctoral (PhD and DBA). Her teaching centers around three fields: IP and Innovation (e.g. International Innovation, International Branding), IB (e.g. Global Business Culture, IB Strategy), and Research Methodology (e.g. Theory Construction, Structural Equation Modeling). She was educated in three countries, has lived in four, worked in five, 并对跨文化知识和经验对生活和工作的意义有着浓厚的兴趣.

    杨是高等教育领导和知识与实践联系的实践者. 在现任副院长谢勒的领导下, she will contribute to enhancing scholarly activities, 学习的国际化和教育标准的持续改进审查. 她曾在多个国家担任领导职务, 如国际商务主管(澳门金沙赌城线上游戏内多夫商学院), Director of the PhD Program, MBA and MS. (Bradford University School of Management, UK). 她在自己的领域与跨国公司和组织进行了广泛的咨询,并在WIPO主持下担任联合国项目“知识产权基准”的首席顾问. 在她公平的领导理念下,杨相信绩效驱动的文化, caring, focused, structured, humble, responsive and inspirational.

    • Ph.D.英国曼彻斯特大学曼彻斯特商学院教授 
    • MSc.英国曼彻斯特大学曼彻斯特商学院教授


    • Yang, D. (2019) Patent Litigation Strategy and Its Effects on the Firm. International Journal of Management Reviews, 10.1111/ijmr.12202
    • Yang, D. (2019) National treatment, institutions and IP uncertainties: An analytics of compliance, change and comparability. International Business Review, 28 (5) http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ibusrev.2019.05.005
    • Yang, D., Sonmez, M., Gonzalez, M., Liu, Y., Yoder, C.  (2019)基于消费者的品牌资产和基于消费者的品牌绩效:来自美国智能手机品牌的证据. Journal of Brand Managementhttp://doi.org/10.1057/s41262-019-00154-w
    • Yang, D. & Sonmez, M. (2018)专利不确定性国民处理的全球规范:中美纵向比较, Journal of World Business, 53 (2) 164-176.
    • Yang, D. Sonmez, M., Li, Q.H. and Duan, Y.B. (2015)基于顾客的品牌绩效的三重语境的力量——基于中国网民视角的百度与谷歌比较研究. International Business Review, 24 (1) 11-22.
    • Yang, D. and Sonmez, M. (2013) 国家和国际机构间专利制度的整合与分歧Journal of World Business, 48 (4) 527-538.
    • Sonmez, M., Yang, D. and Fryxell, G. (2013)消费者歧视与品牌防伪的互动作用——基于跨国公司管理者对中国全球品牌认知的研究, Journal of Business Ethics. 115 (1) 195-211
    • Yang, D. and Sonmez, M. (2012)独立交易与强制交易:基于专利的国际化控制视角 International Business Review, 21 (4) 535-750.
    • Yang, D., Davis, Danny & Robertson, K. R. (2012) Integrated Branding with Mergers and Acquisitions. Journal of Brand Management, 19 (5) 438–456.
    • T. Pykäläinen, D. Yang and T. 方(2009):基于开源战略的中国商业软件企业盗版行为的探索性研究, Journal of Strategic Information Systems 18 (4) 165-177
    • Yang, D. and Fryxell, G. (2009)品牌定位与防伪效果:国外品牌在中国管理者认知的研究, Management International Review Vol. 49 (6) 759-779.
    • Yang, D., Sonmez M., Bosworth, D. and Fryxell, G. (2009) Software Piracy: Searching for New Explanations, Journal of Business Ethics, 87 (2) 269-283.
    • Yang, D. (2008)专利审案与授权比率:中美专利审案与授权比率的比较研究; Research Policy 37 (6-7) 1035-1046.
    • Yang, D., Fryxell, G. and Sie, A. (2008) Anti-piracy effectiveness and managerial confidence Journal of World Business, 43 (3) 321-339.
    • Yang, D. (2005)文化对跨国公司知识产权业务的影响, Journal of World Business, 40 (3) 281-301.
    • Yang, D., and Clarke, P. (2005) Globalization and Intellectual Property in China, Technovation 25 (5), 545-555.
    • Yang, D., Sonmez, M. and Bosworth D. (2004)跨国公司应对知识产权滥用的战略对策, Long Range Planning, 37 (5) 459-475.
    • Bosworth, D. and Yang, D. (2000)中国知识产权法、技术流动与许可机会; International Business Review, 9 (4) 453-477.


    • Yang, D. (2013) 理解和从知识产权中获利:跨国界战略(第二版), Palgrave Macmillan, London.
    • Yang, D. (2008) 从知识产权中理解和获利:知识产权从业者和分析师指南(第一版), Palgrave Macmillan, London.

      摘自联合国世界知识产权组织的审查报告, 知识产权的最高权威发表在2008年8月刊的WIPO官方杂志上.

      “作者以严肃的学术研究和分析意图承担了一项艰巨的任务……使原本枯燥无味的内容变得生动起来。, specialists-only book by including…statistics, 这本书对学术界和商界来说都是一本研究深入、发人深省的读物."
    • Yang, D. (2003) Intellectual Property and Doing Business in China, Elsevier, Oxford.