• 雷切尔·约瑟夫 is an 副教授 at 圣澳门金沙赌城线上游戏 as well as a writer, 导演, 和演员. She teaches classes in playwriting, dramatic literature, performance, theatre history. She received her MA in theatre studies and MFA in creative writing from the University of Arizona and a Ph.D. in Drama from Stanford University. 她目前的新书计划, Screened Stages: On Theatre in Film analyzes cinema and performance in relationship to presentness and reproducibility. Her scholarly work has been published or are forthcoming in academic journals such as 性能研究大学文学词 & 图像The International Journal of Žižek StudiesTexas Studies in Language and Literature音乐剧研究 书中的章节包括 The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies edited by Douglas Rosenberg (Oxford University Press, 2016)., Filmurbia: Screening the Suburbs edited by David Forrest, Graeme Harper, Jonathan Rayner (Palgrave Macmillan出版社,2017), Approaching Twin Peaks: Critical Essays on the Original Series edited by Dominick Grace and Eric Hoffman (McFarland, 2017), Refocusing Chaplin: A Screen Icon in Critical Contexts edited by 劳伦斯·豪,詹姆斯·E. Caron, Benjamin Click (Scarecrow Press, 2013), The Films of Wes Anderson: Critical Essays on an Indiewood Icon, edited by Peter Kunze (Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

    Joseph’s short stories and plays have been published or are forthcoming in literary journals such as 凯尼恩在线评论北美评论科切拉评论布鲁克林评论,还有这本书 Imagined Theatres: Writing for a Theoretical Stage edited by Daniel Sack (劳特利奇,2017). Her novella was a shortlisted finalist for the William Faulkner-William Wisdom competition. Additionally, Joseph was a finalist for the 2017 艺术 & 文学及戏剧奖, a semi-finalist for the 2017 Elixir Press Fiction Award, a finalist for the 2017 Black Lawrence Press Hudson Prize.

    约瑟夫创作的戏剧包括 The Screen Dreams of Buster Keaton (见《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》), 离开前还有这个剥夺了的消息模糊. She has directed and devised plays ranging from her own to Sarah Ruhl’s translation/adaptation of Anton Chekhov’s 三个姐妹Paula Vogel的 我是怎么学会开车的澳门金沙线上赌博官网的学生设计 之间的世界格特鲁德·斯坦的 Doctor Faustus Lights the Lights. 她是特里斯坦·查拉的联合导演 毒气之心 with her colleague Stacey Connelly, Ph.D. 在麦克内艺术博物馆. This spring she will be directing Anne Washburn’s Mr. 伯恩斯: a post-electric play for the 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Theatre mainstage.

    • Ph.D. 斯坦福大学戏剧专业
    • M.A. in Theatre Studies, University of Arizona
    • M.F.A. in 创意写作, University of Arizona
    • B.F.A. in Acting and Original Works, Cornish College of the 艺术
    • 正在进行的图书项目: Screened Stages: on Theatre in Film.
    • "Wes Anderson’s The Royal Tenenbaums: Writing and Forgiveness," Texas Studies in Literature and Language Special Wes Anderson Issue, Ed. 科恩哈勃唐娜. 即将到来的2018年夏季. 打印.
    • “‘I'll See You in the Trees’: Trauma, intermediality, the Pacific Northwest weird” in Approaching Twin Peaks: Critical Essays on the Original Series, Dominick Grace and Eric Hoffman, Eds.麦克法兰,2017. 打印.
    • “‘I looked for you in my closet tonight’: staging the violence of the Real through suburban dreamscapes” in Filmburbia: Screening the Suburb, David Forrest, Graeme Harper, Jonathan Rayner, Eds. Palgrave Macmillan出版社,2017. 打印.
    • 《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》,《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》,《澳门金沙线上赌博官网》,” Gloss for Jonathan Ball’s “Surveillance” Imagined Theatres: Writing for a Theoretical Stage. 丹尼尔·萨克,埃德. 劳特利奇,2017. 打印.
    • “The Real’s Lack: The Performance of Slavoj Žižek in The Pervert’s Guide to Cinema and The Pervert’s Guide to Ideology,” International Journal of Žižek Studies, vol . 11, 2017. 在线.
    • “‘Only the last song if we let it be’: song and dance as traumatic container in Dancer in the Dark by way of The Sound of Music,” Studies of Musical Theatre Special Issue, 10:1, Kathryn Edney and Laura MacDonald, Ed., 2016. 打印.
    • “Dreaming the Stage within the Screen in The Screen Dreams of Buster Keaton,” 性能研究. 卷. 21.1 .关于睡眠. 2016. 打印.
    • “Longing for Depth: The Frame of Screened Stages in the Screendance Spectacles of Busby Berkeley.” In The Oxford Handbook of Screendance Studies. 道格拉斯·罗森博格,埃德. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2016. 打印.
    • “《澳门金沙赌城线上游戏》!': 词s to Curtained Worlds in the Film and Art of David Lynch.” 词 & 图像: A Journal of Verbal/Visual Enquiry. 卷. 31.3. 2015. 打印.
    • “The Screened Stages of Slavoj Žižek: The Surplus of the Real.” 大学文学. 42.3. 2015. 打印.
    • "‘The Haunting’: Screened Stages and Turbulent Collisions” 性能研究. 卷. 19.5 .关于湍流. 2014. 打印.
    • “‘Max Fischer Presents’: Wes Anderson and the Theatricality of Mourning.” In The Films of Wes Anderson: Critical Essays on an Indiewood Icon. Peter Kunze, Ed., Palgrave/Macmillan, 2014. 打印.
    • ”卓别林的存在.” In Re-Focusing Chaplin: A Screen Icon in Critical Contexts. 劳伦斯·豪,詹姆斯·E. 卡隆和本杰明·Click,艾德.稻草人出版社. 2013. 打印
    • “Glittering Junk: Jack Smith and the Landfill of Identity.” Journal of American Theatre and Drama. 第25卷. 2. 2013. 打印.
    • 剧本创作
    • 电影剧本创作
    • 电影中的莎士比亚
    • 戏剧文学
    • 剧院历史
    • 代理我
    • 先进的表演
    • 即兴创作
    •  Advanced 剧本创作 and Devising
    • 呼玛
    • 艺术 & 的想法
    • 口译

    参加了在 阴道独白 faculty and staff staged reading.