jan naylor cope flinging holy water
Answering the Call

Jan Naylor Cope ’78, B.A. Sociology and Psychology

Jan Naylor Cope从各种金融发展开始了她的职业生涯, consulting, and high-profile fundraising positions. In 1989, 她在乔治·H·克林顿政府担任总统副助理和总统人事副主任.W. Bush White House. With a staff of 40, 她帮助监督了超过5名学生的招聘和选拔,000 presidential appointments, “从大使到内阁秘书再到秘书 the secretaries,” she recalls. 虽然她认为与世界各国领导人会面并见证历史的形成是一种莫大的荣幸, 简说,这是她最难忘的个人时刻. 比如能够把她的直系亲属带到椭圆形办公室与总统会面, 或者看到当她来到总统位于白宫西翼的私人办公室,告诉他她与约翰·柯普订婚的消息时,总统是多么高兴.


就在那一刻,简承诺永远不会把这些私人时刻视为理所当然. 彻底改变了她当时作为J. Naylor Cope Company, 一家专门为非营利组织提供猎头服务的公司, Jan answered her call to ministry.

“那次经历迫使我更有意识地去思考我的祷告生活,以及上帝希望我如何度过余生,” she explains. 她还注意到,其他病人似乎被她的平静和平和感所吸引. 她说:“经过多次祷告,我意识到上帝在召唤我去按立牧师。.

简以优异成绩获得了神学硕士学位,并于2007年被任命为圣公会牧师. 她随后于2013年获得事工博士学位,专注于青年事工. 牧师简·柯普现在担任华盛顿特区国家大教堂的教务长.C.

Although the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C., has been around for 100 years, 直到2008年,当地才正式成立了一个礼拜会众, and Jan was called as vicar, 负责带领羽翼未丰的教会在灵性和数量上成长. Impressed with her results, 2015年,教堂领导和她的主教邀请她担任教务长. Currently, along with Cathedral leadership, 她专注于大教堂的长期战略事工和使命. 她也是大教堂对外的代表, is a frequent guest preacher and speaker worldwide, and writes meditations and commentaries on scripture for The Bible Challenge.

1978年的Jan Naylor Cope在坎特伯雷讲坛讲道,马丁·路德·金就是在这里. preached his last Sunday sermon. Photo credit: Danielle Thomas, Washington National Cathedral

Earlier this year, 参议员约翰·麦凯恩的家庭代表联系了简,希望他能在大教堂举行追悼会. In addition to helping facilitate the arrangements, Jan welcomed the thousands of worshipers who attended, participated in the liturgy, and read the prayers. “对我们所有人来说,这是一次令人难以置信的谦卑经历,”她说.

解决当今如此具有挑战性的分歧和不文明问题, Jan says, “大教堂为人所知的一件事是,它是当今重要问题的召集人. 我们相信,我们在神圣生活和公民生活的交汇处占有独特的地位. 因此,我们努力作为和解的代理人为上帝和我们的邻居服务, a trusted voice of moral leadership, 这是一个神圣的空间,在国家重大时刻,这个国家聚集在一起... As a church leader, 我相信我有责任继续提升我们中间的善良,并提醒我们所有人基督教的核心教义, which is mirrored in the other Abrahamic traditions, 就是用我们所有的一切和我们的一切来爱上帝,并像爱自己一样爱我们的邻居.”

Committed to helping people experience God, Jan says, “If I can share the light of Christ with others, even in a small way, then I will feel my life has true meaning.她通过布道、拓展项目和其他举措来做到这一点. Along with her husband, 简曾共同领导前往圣地和希腊的宗教朝圣,并参加了几个大洲的传教和学习之旅.

This fall Jan attended her 40th class reunion at Trinity, 在那里她回忆起她的校园活动:蓝钥匙国家荣誉兄弟会, TUVAC volunteer, intramural participant, and member of Chi Beta Epsilon. She singled out The Rev. Raymond Judd ’56, the former Blue Key sponsor, and professor Coleen Grissom, then-dean of students, as special influences. “我非常感谢澳门金沙线上赌博官网为我提供了优秀的文科教育,也非常感谢我在那里结交的终生友谊,” she says.

也许简最生动的三位一体经历发生在圣安东尼奥barrios的社会学实习期间. There she met a local curandero. In order to help her understand how he worked, he asked her to pretend to be someone in need of an exorcism. Jan says, “他采取了他通常会采取的治疗步骤,差点把我吓死了!” Still, she reflects, 这是“关于参与不同于我自己的社区的重要性的终身教训.”

Back at the Cathedral, Jan shares her favorite benediction, based on a quote from Henri-Frederic Amiel, 瑞士道德哲学家和诗人:“生命短暂,我们没有太多时间去取悦与我们同行的人的心。. So be swift to love. 你当赶快以恩慈待人,平平安安地去爱耶和华,事奉他.”

You may contact Jan at jcope@cathedral.org.


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