
Quantitative Building for Incoming Tigers (QBIT) is a 免费的 online course offered in July for select students to improve their mathematics placement prior to enrolling in either Pre-Calculus or Calculus I at 澳门金沙线上赌博官网.

Students will work individually and with peers in a supportive, confidence-building environment to:

  • Refresh prior math skills
  • Learn new ones
  • Earn one credit hour towards graduation
  • Earn eligibility to enroll in MATH-1301 (Pre-Calculus) or MATH-1311 (Calculus I)
image of Leeroy sitting on bed working on a laptop

Program Details

What to Expect

As this is a college course, students should expect to engage fully throughout the duration of the program. After getting to know one another and discussing the course, we will dive right into work!
With sustained effort throughout the program, students will earn their first 澳门金沙线上赌博官网 credit hour and be well positioned to improve their placement score, before stepping foot on campus for the fall!



For more information about QBIT, please contact Luke Tunstall, Ph.D., Director of the Quantitative Reasoning and Skills (QRS) Center, at 路加福音.tunstall@fc-daudenzell.com.